Sometimes the only way to win is to get down and dirty. That's Mudfest.
William Ayars lands a triple back flip and more. August 2015. Illinois, USA
Hurtling over water at 60mph not exciting enough well, try this....WaterskiJumping.
Snowmobiling the Adrenaline Way! Some folks like to trundle along trails and well, others don't.....
If you want a soft landing, this is the place for you .SkiJumping....water landing
Sometimes when there ain't no snow or surf around this is the next best thing....Sandboarding
Power up those rollerblades with the RollerCycle.
This video is about Short-LawnmowerRacing
If you like to kayak and you like to surf this is the sport for you. KayakSurfing.
Stick a jet on a board and what've you got? A PowerSki Jetboard.
You believe you can fly? Well try this....... FreeStyleMotocross
Sitting four inches off the road these karts really shift! Shifter Karts... Grand Prix action without the...
The need for speed takes some folks to crazy heights. Basejumping...the only way is down.
Welcome to Flowboarding where the wave never ends.
The Adrenline TV SWAT (Sports Women of AdrenalineTV) Team is looking for more amazing articulate sportswomen to tour the world of Action Sports adventures with us. You could become one too.